South Dakota Certified Managed Care
Coordinating medical care for South Dakota workers with the utmost transparency.
What is South Dakota Certified Managed Care?
The South Dakota Workers Compensation system strives to aid workers in obtaining prompt medical care so they can return to work.
In the state of South Dakota, it’s essential for all workers’ compensation insurers and self-insured employers to provide case management services in their policies. This means insurance companies specializing in workers’ compensation are required to contract with one or more case management plans to support injured workers. South Dakota Managed Care is designed to reduce expenses by making medical care work faster, more efficiently, and more effectively.
How South Dakota Certified Managed Care Helps
The South Dakota Managed Care system helps injured workers receive prompt medical treatment that ensures an expeditious return to work process. If a worker is injured in South Dakota, case managers help assign nurses who are trained to facilitate communication between employers, medical providers, and workers. With this assistance, the injured individual can return to work as quickly as possible.
Reach Us
14525 Highway 7, #365
Minnetonka, MN 55345
Toll Free: 1-800-478-8223
Phone: 952-474-7141
Fax: 877-578-8223
Phone: 1-800-4STUBBE
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